Smart cities have emerged as a strategy to solve problems that current cities face, such as traffic, security, resource management, waste, and pollution. (freeradicalx,, April 25, 2015) The notion that a player embedded in a more autocentric culture will tend to build more autocentric simulated cities is a logical one, and one I think is worthy of further investigation. As an American, I can say that the majority of us over here still live in a world where a car is your life line and lifestyle due to the fact that our country is connected almost exclusively by an ex- pensive and expansive Eisenhower/Moses style interstate system that leaves little pocket change left over for alternative transportation. A player from New York City suggested that a deeply engrained car culture, particularly in the United States, may provide some explanation: nly a minority of people and/or players are interested in livable street-oriented traffic design. A professed urban planner on Reddit garnered some thoughts on the subject of automotive primacy, posing the question: “Why the love for the highways?” One respondent observed that each new city in C : S (as well as SimCity 2013 ) requires a highway connection, which “leads people to naturally expand along that highway as they progress,” but also noted that “people really like building highways everywhere (it is fun after all!)” (william 13). This rather simplified approach to traffic engineering, where the primary goal is to tame automotive congestion, leads many players to exhibit a kind of “freeway fetish” ( Fig. Automotive traffic provides immediate visual feedback traffic jams indicate inefficient road networks, while swiftly moving automata are often interpreted as a sign of successful planning. Players also have unprece- dented freedom to build and experiment with a variety of roadway and highway configurations. C : S ’s Unit圓D game engine allows the rep- resentation of each individual automobile, turning traffic flow into a mesmerizing ballet.